
Be Informed!

Hugs – The Miracle Drug

The healing power of a hug and loving touch can’t be understated.  Everyone needs physical contact to survive, and hugging is an act of giving and receiving the support and love people need. Hugging is the universal language of love, comfort, and friendship.  Hugging someone we know and trust can be healthy, but hugging strangers – for […]

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The Healing Power of Hope

Hope is like a golden cord to Heaven. Many experts believe hope can and does heal us! When I suffered my stroke, I remember lying in my hospital bed unsure what had just happened to me. After a few weeks of not being able to move my paralyzed side, talk or hear out of my […]

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Reaching Out for Stroke Support

A stroke support group was started in my area for stroke survivors under age 50.  Listening to the stories took me back to the time when I survived a massive stroke at age 31.  No matter the background or experience, we all had something to learn and share.  Naturally, none of us ever imagined talking […]

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